At any given time, startup founders can be literally juggling a dozen different balls in the air.

With so much on their plates, and so many different hats to wear, founders often struggle to find time to work on growth strategies that add leverage to their startups.

So you don’t fall into the same trap of being asleep at the wheel on the road to visibility, consider these five digital marketing growth hacks that most tech startup founders overlook:

  1. Ask your employees, vendors, partners, customers, prospects, friends, and family members to follow your new social channels (Subscribe to the YouTube channel, Follow the LinkedIn company page, Like the Facebook business page, and Follow the company's Twitter profile)
  2. Create buyer personas for the two most important stakeholders that you want to attract to your website
  3. Create a content calendar to one-by-one provide advice that addresses the biggest goals and challenges of your buyer personas
  4. Publish and share that content first on YouTube and then share it on your other social media channels
  5. Use the email marketing capabilities in HubSpot Marketing Hub to announce new content you've created and build relationships with your prospects and customers.

What digital marketing growth hacks have you found most effective? Let me know in the comments.

And if you want to level up your growth strategy for your startup, be sure to enroll now in our free 7-day eCourse: Go-to-Market Strategy 101 for B2B SaaS Startups and Scaleups.

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