I get a lot of questions from small business owners, marketing professionals, sales professionals, and customer success professionals about B2B email marketing best practices.


Start with Extreme Empathy for the Recipients of Your Email Marketing

The number one area critical to nail is to start with extreme empathy for the users you're creating those emails for.

Understand who they are, what they care about, what makes them tick, what keeps them up at two o'clock in the morning?

What if they get right will get them a huge promotion and bonus. What if they mess up will get them the opposite of that?

What do they secretly crave most from a company like yours? 

What are the biggest barriers to being successful?

Where do they hang out online? Where do they hang out offline?

What are they searching for answers for? 

Deliver Value in Your Emails

Once you have strong consensus on your buyer personas and not just their demographics, but their behaviors and their underlying motivations.

That is huge rocket fuel for getting your email marketing program set up correctly to deliver value to them. 

And again, it starts with extreme empathy for the recipients and a genuine desire to add value to their goals, plans, challenges, and professional lives and businesses.

And what's going to make them successful and their team successful and their company successful? To do this right, make sure that you invest in customer insight research, developing your buyer personas, your buyer's journey mappings, and jobs to be done. 

Make sure that you segment your list. At the absolute minimum, you need to be segmenting by who they are, their buyer persona, and where they are in their buyer's journey with your company or lifecycle stage?

Something like lead, marketing qualified, sales qualified, opportunity, customer, evangelist.  Something along those lines gives you a chance to customize and personalize and contextualize it based on where they're at in their research and decision-making process.

Your B2B Email Marketing Must Be All About Them

And then make sure that you create content offers that are worth sending emails about in the first place. It can't just be, 

"Are you ready to buy yet?

Are you going to buy it yet?

Are you going to book a meeting yet? “

But you can't keep asking them the same selfish questions over and over again.

It's all about having extreme empathy for their goals, plans, and challenges and figuring out how your email messages deliver value to them.


I'm Joshua Feinberg from SP Home Run. Let me know what you do in your B2B email marketing program that makes you successful.

Let me know in the comments below.

And if you're looking for some one-on-one assistance or input, feel free to look me up on LinkedIn. Send me a message. Let me know you watched this video, and we can explore how we may be able to help you on a one-on-one basis.

And I wish you great success in your B2B email marketing.