This post will examine what B2B sales professionals should think about using HubSpot Sales Hub for prospecting and discovery.
Email Notifications
Inside the HubSpot Sales tools and apps, you can see email notifications and understand how your prospects interact with your emails.
You can see those notifications in your HubSpot mobile app push notifications, like desktop notifications with the Chrome extension, and in the Activity Feed within HubSpot. Go to the Contacts pull-down menu and choose the Activity Feed.
By looking at this information, you can understand how your prospects are opening and what they're clicking on within your messages.
You can see this information in your inbox as well, in Gmail and Outlook 365 in the side panel with basic information about your leads and their activities -- how many conversions, how many pages -- understanding at a high level, how you should prioritize that particular contact.
You can also use the Meetings tool within Sales Hub to eliminate all the back and forth about finding a time that works for both of you.
That alone eliminates all that back and forth.
"Hey Joshua, are you available Thursday afternoon?"
"No, I'm not available Thursday noon. How's Friday morning."
"No, Friday morning won't work."
But just being able to give someone access to pick that time can make an enormous difference for sales cycle acceleration and a much better prospecting experience.
That alone can get a lot of your inbound leads to accelerate to the point of an opportunity just because you gave them that ability to self-book time.
And then it stops them from feeling like they have to go around to 10 more other companies that do what you do because they feel a sense of completion.
They're like, "Oh yeah, I have time booked on his calendar for Friday morning."
I'm looking forward to meeting with him next. I can move on.
Email templates are also a big part of improving your prospecting and discovery within HubSpot Sales Hub.
Using a combination of personalization tokens, static text, and placeholder text to customize and contextualize your emails, you can enter the conversation that's going on in the mind of your prospects.
This can lead to a better initial relationship and a more productive discovery meeting.
Automatically Logged Emails into the CRM
And finally, by using the BCC in the CRM feature within the Chrome extension or manually, you can get all of your emails logged into the CRM.
With a checkbox that’s enabled by default if you're using the Chrome extension, you’ll still have the option to manually BCC email into your CRM by using something like your portal ID at bcc
Also, see How to Sell Sales Software to Sales Directors.
Do you use HubSpot Sales Hub for prospecting and discovery?
If so, what’s been most helpful? Let me know in the comments section below.