Data Center Sales & Marketing Institute (DCSMI) Blog

How FinTech Startups Can Scale Their Online Presence

Written by Joshua Feinberg | Apr 24, 2021 11:30:00 AM

How can a FinTech startup with a minimal online presence enhance its reach?

And how can you ensure that you're attracting your ideal clients, in the right places, at the right time, and in the right context?


Consider the following three best practices:

(1) Size up your competition

10 years, you were ahead of the curve if you had a great blog, YouTube channel, and LinkedIn presence. Today, most companies are in hypercompetitive marketplaces where it's a battle to earn attention. How are your competitors doing with their online presence? That's very important to know.

(2) Recognize that most search and social channels are now essentially pay-to-play

While there are some exceptions, once you've built high-perceived-value thought leadership and an efficient lead-generating landing page, consider using all that great buyer persona research you did to invest in some highly targeted paid search and paid social campaigns to drive leads within hours of going live.

(3) Build your FinTech startup for the long-term

Now that you have deployed paid search and paid social campaigns to drive more immediate results, take steps to repurpose your same content as blog posts, social media posts, and videos -- to grow your search engine authority and organic social media reach. This will almost certainly take considerably longer to see results from vs. paid search and paid social campaigns, but it is generally an excellent intermediate- to long-term investment. Just be sure that most of the content you create is reasonably evergreen so you can maximize its shelf-life.

Are you part of a startup in FinTech? What are you doing to scale your online presence? Let me know in the comments section below.

And if you're serious about scaling up your growth for your FinTech startup, enroll now in our free 7-day eCourse: Go-to-Market Strategy 101 for B2B SaaS Startups and Scaleups.