B2B marketers often face a big professional challenge among their coworkers and other similar constituencies. Because everyone uses Google, Facebook, YouTube, and Linkedin, many non-marketers lob an endless stream of unsolicited feedback and uninformed opinions about a host of topics they often know little about.
In a world where the HIPPO (highest paid person’s opinion ) often gets put on the pedestal as gospel, one of the best ways for marketers to cut through the noise and prioritize is by setting SMART goals.
A SMART goal is specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and, and timebound.
In this short post, you’ll get four actionable steps you can take to more consistently set (and crush) your marketing SMART goals.
- Start by setting a SMART revenue growth goal. For example, grow revenue from $2.7M to $3.5M by December 31st.
- Then set a SMART goal around the number of new customers. For example, to achieve the $0.8M revenue growth goal, with an average deal size of $100K, you'll need eight new customers by December 31st.
- Next, set a SMART goal around the number of new sales opportunities. For example, to add eight new customers with a 25% close rate, you'd need 32 sales opportunities by December 31st.
- And finally, set a SMART goal around lead generation. For example, to create 32 sales opportunities with a 10% lead to opportunity conversion rate, you'd need 320 leads by December 31st.
Now with these four SMART goals in mind, you have four key performance indicators (KPIs) to push back against extraneous nonsense requests that interfere with your revenue-driven priorities.
What have you found most helpful for setting (and crushing) SMART goals for marketing? Let me know in the comments.