B2B email marketing sometimes gets a bad rap.
On the one hand, you have armies of financially motivated competitors to email marketing that want to convince you that augmented reality, cryptocurrency, blockchain, live streaming, non-fungible tokens (NFTs), and TikTok are somehow more powerful, fun, and more effective than email. And that, by extension, email must be dead. (Nothing could be further from reality.)
Then you have B2B sales teams that frequently exert pressure on their marketing colleagues to use email marketing as a cold outreach strategy to spam people who never agreed to receive your email. (a largely atrocious idea on many levels)
B2B email marketing can be a potent channel to educate and build trust with prospects and customers when used effectively.
If your company is on the fence about how to prioritize email marketing or you’re a marketing professional that's constantly being put on the defensive to justify why B2B email marketing still works, here are six conversation points for growth-minded companies:
How do you use B2B email marketing to grow your company? Let me know in the comments.