Is your data center’s blogging strategy working? You should ask yourself if you are spending as much time on content creation as you are on distribution. Creating extraordinary content for your buyer personas is a great way to start. However, promoting all your amazing content is key to reaching your audience.
When assembling content, you must listen to what your buyer personas want, no one else. Initially, your buyer personas are your ideal customers; if you do not create content that will attract them, they won’t come.
Dependent on thorough buyer persona research, you should know what your potential customers are interested in, what they care about, and what social networks they use. With your research, there is no room for guesswork, and you should have no problem attracting the right visitors to your site.
Conducting Data Center Buyer Persona Research
Your first step is to understand exactly who you are selling to. To promote your content, you need to know to whom and where. To do this, you can conduct research through social networks, such as LinkedIn and Facebook, or by conducting interviews with previous or current customers. You want to know their behavior patterns, demographics, goals, motivations, and daily life on a professional and personal level.
You can create your buyer persona once you combine all this information from various people who relate to your preferred customer. With this research, you will create your targeted content.
Content Creation and Content Promotion
Content creation can involve any written content or media that is ideal for your buyer persona. Blogging is most prevalent for the awareness stage of the buyer’s journey, and many businesses are utilizing this method to educate and build trust with their audiences. But, your goal is to create content that catches the eyes of any person relevant to your buyer persona at any stage of the buyer’s journey.
You can use many forms of content, including blogs, eBooks, videos, white papers, etc. Content is truly an asset to your firm; it is what draws your audience to your business. However, you can spend days or even weeks creating all this remarkable content, and if you do not have a promotional strategy in place, no one will see it, so what’s the point in creating the content?
You must promote your content, or the inbound strategy will be unsuccessful. The idea is to create a 50/50 split between content creation and content promotion.
Watch Out For the HIPPO!
When attempting to grow your reach through promoting your blog posts be sure to listen to your buyer persona, not the HIPPO! The HIPPO is the highest-paid person within the organization, or your employer may be the highest-paid person.
Joshua Feinberg says, “The highest-paid person’s opinion can literally sit on you and smother you.” Sometimes, their opinions can worsen things; the people you need to listen to are your ideal customers.
Where to Promote Your Data Center Content
When promoting your content, you should use networks that your buyer personas use. If you promote your content on channels that are irrelevant, no one will be interested, and you will not be attracting qualified leads. Feinberg says, “There is no reason to guess what blogs they read, there is no reason to guess what social media channels they use, and there is no reason to guess what trade groups they belong to or what conferences they attend. Good solid persona research uncovers that critical consensus that you need to get your great content in front of the right potential clients.”
For example, if your research suggests that your ideal customers use LinkedIn over any other social media channel, then you know that you must promote your content on LinkedIn.
Does your data center spend enough time promoting content? Let us know in the comments below.