For Phoenix colocation operators, excellent carrier relationships are an operational necessity. In today’s high-paced tech environment, it’s important to become a single-source solution for designing, provisioning, and managing data network solutions.

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In Phoenix, colocation centers enjoy strong carrier relationships that enable them to offer a package for practically every customer’s data needs. Multi-carrier service portfolios enable clients to receive many solutions at a low overall cost. At the same time, the colocation center simplifies everything by acting as a single point of contact for all services contracted.

Many centers are also carrier-neutral, which means that the colocation operator has not entered into exclusive commitments to a couple of carriers for bandwidth services.

Benefits of Carrier-Neutrality

By adopting more open interconnection policies, colocation customers realize several important benefits:

  • Improved carrier diversity and redundancy
  • Ability to leverage existing relationships with data network providers
  • Simplified processes and lower carrier management costs
  • More business continuity options to keep critical applications and data accessible and available at all times
  • Greater flexibility and choice in selecting a network service provider to connect the colocation center to client facilities 

More Stability and Fault Tolerance

Because colocation centers in Phoenix have redundant connections from an array of different carriers, the network as a whole becomes more stable and fault-tolerant. Most clients have experienced the frustration of losing Internet access for hours at a time. Still, when Internet connections are available from different providers, switching to another if one goes down is possible- and easy.

A client could theoretically never experience downtime again.

Catering Phoenix Colocation to a More Digital- and Mobile-Centric World

This diverse access to network resources is especially important as clients become more dependent on strong and redundant arrangements to support widespread mobile device use and other growing technology strategies.

By enabling clients to use a mixture of different carriers to build their own custom network map, Phoenix colocation operators allow businesses to attain their ideal connectivity level and server performance at a price that meets their budget. These self-built communications networks also offer optimal end-user experiences for the client’s business.

Once they make a significant financial investment in moving their web servers to a colocation center, clients rarely want to make another similar move in the near future.

Colocation centers that have relationships with multiple carriers prevent their clients from being ‘married’ to one connectivity provider and allow them to make a change when needed without having to switch centers entirely.

The Bottom Line

More businesses in the Phoenix area are opting to use colocation services to meet their hosting, network, and connectivity needs. By having strong relationships with different carriers, colocation operators are addressing client requirements for choice and flexibility. The result is an easier and more affordable migration to a third-party provider for important data center services.

Does your business use a Phoenix colocation operator that’s carrier-neutral? Has the relationship solved any previous continuity and network stability issues? Let us know your thoughts in the Comments box below.

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