Episode #4 of the Data Center Go-to-Market Podcast features an interview with Gene Leyzarovich, Founder of JetStor.

  • Discover how storage technology has evolved over the past 30 years
  • Learn about the journey of a pioneering storage company, JetStor
  • Understand the importance of infrastructure knowledge beyond just storage
  • Find out about emerging trends in virtualization and alternatives to VMware  
  • Explore how AI will impact data center operations and storage demand
  • Gain insights on engaging with data centers and providing complete solutions
  • Get advice for growing your storage or data center business

Joshua Feinberg, CEO

Special Guest:
Gene Leyzarovich, Founder

Gene Leyzarovich and Joshua Feinberg discussed the evolution of storage technology over the past 30 years, with a focus on JetStor's journey.

They also explored current trends in data center infrastructure, including the growing demand for skilled professionals and the importance of understanding infrastructure and virtualization technologies.

Additionally, they discussed the growing role of data centers in the AI era and the potential impact of AI on business operations. Finally, they discussed various business models and go-to-market strategies in the data center industry, emphasizing the importance of staying informed and up-to-date on industry trends and developments.


The 30-year journey of JetStor, from humble beginnings to 4000 customers, with insights into storage technology

  • Gene Leyzarovich founded JetStor in 1994 with 4GB drives, and the company has since grown to store 30-60TB per drive.
  • Recounts the evolution of storage technology from 20MB hard drives to 68pin SCSI technology and beyond.
  • Reflects on 30 years in the data center industry, sharing insights on technology evolution and industry changes.

Data center infrastructure, virtualization, and storage technologies.

  • Learn infrastructure, and virtualization technologies to succeed in the data center industry.
  • Alternatives to VMware emerging, such as Proxmox and Hyper V, for virtualization and hyper-convergence.
  • Emphasizes the importance of understanding multiple technologies, including infrastructure and virtualization, when engaging with data centers.
  • Companies that provide complete solutions rather than just one component are more likely to win data center projects.

AI's impact on the data center industry, including potential for increased demand and changes in daily routines.

  • Technology companies investing in channel ecosystems for growth.
  • Data centers evolving into solution providers, offering whole infrastructure solutions.
  • Discusses AI's impact on data centers, mentioning increased demand for storage and privately stored data.
  • AI adoption is expected to generate petabytes of storage data, benefiting storage companies like DCs.
  • Anticipates AI to save 10-20% of work time and improve productivity.

Data center storage, management, and protection with JetStor founder Gene Leyzarovich.

  • Discusses the importance of AI in data center operations and storage.
  • Gene Leyzarovich, founder of JetStor, specializes in data storage and protection.
  • JetStor is on its website, LinkedIn, and other social media platforms.

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