Virtualization has quickly become a core part of data center culture.

Although hardware still matters, the popularity of virtualization continues to grow as it’s both faster and better.

Virtualizations with VMware will allow you to grow by moving past the single server, single application philosophy to operating several virtual machines on one physical server.

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As the operating systems available today only use a fraction of all the resources available on the physical server, computing power that can be valuable is just left to sit idle for long periods. A

s a result, it is important to use the available resources as it can reduce both IT expenses and time.

When investigating the virtualization options for New Jersey colocation, there are many things to consider. You have to see if the virtualization vendor offers effective solutions bridging the gaps in most traditional branch networking offerings.

Further, issues with private clouds, network automation, and security need to be considered.

Adaptable Solutions

New Jersey is becoming highly adaptable when it comes to virtualization.

Companies like Nuage Networks are evolving and extending their SDN (software-defined networking) network automation benefits to cloud-hosted data.

According to Sunil Khandekar, Nuage Networks’ CEO, the company simplifies network service delivery and consumption by extending SDN outside data centers with policy-based automation.

Customers are starting to look towards more dynamic and programmable network automation that meets their unique business needs. Nuage Networks VNS has taken a significant step forward by eliminating cloud-based constraints. So service providers can now provide networking services anywhere, anytime, and when required.

Virtualization in Demand

As the demand for New Jersey colocation grows, so does the need for expansion.

As more and more companies in the region, especially in New York City, look for colocation outside the vicinity, companies like Net Access are expanding their infrastructure to meet the demand.

Net Access is now able to provide up to 20kW per cabinet (high density) and offer billing options that are metered or at a flat rate.

According to Alex Rubenstein, data center architect, and co-founder, the company built the data center from the ground up to meet the highest specifications.

With two decades of experience, Net Access was able to use effective methodologies to build a state of the art data center.

Traditional Ethos:

  • Accessibility
  • Location
  • Power density
  • Redundancy
  • Cooling efficiency

Additional Ethos:

  • Flexibility
  • Security
  • Resiliency


New Jersey colocation hasn’t lost any of its standard ethos of data centers. However, the infrastructure alone isn’t enough. Solutions have to not only be robust; they also need to be adaptable.

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